hi junaid, thanks for your interest in this book. I do not have a pdf copy of the book. However, if you wish to buy this book in hard copy, email your query to 123boss@gmail.com; you can give my reference.
Nice to saw your blog. Informative and I hope will learn a lot from your blogs
i love reading. but unfortunately i am living in a country where book are not easily available and if hardly available then so costly. i have big list of books which love to buy and read but 🙁 last time i visited Pakistan for tour and mostly to buy my favorite books so i went to Pakistan for one week and buy all my favorite books. the book which you recommended Idraak, love to read and added in my list. InshaAllah will buy from Pak when i plan to visit this year.
That’s sad to know hassan you reside in Qatar right? , let me know if you need help with arranging the book.
Its good to read how about your article. I was moved by it as I have my younger sister who is also going through emotional distress and needs phychotherapy as well. Some of my friends recommends me to check Dr. Hussain as its been well know for phychotherapy and NLP for emotional disorder. Please enlightened me as you have been going for a while and you how it improved in your position it would be really helpful for my sister as well. You can also write blog for it as well. I be looking forward for your response 🙂
Thanks anam for your feedback. I would recommend his fourth dimensiom signature workshop. It’s a worthwhile experience, happens in major cities in Pakistan. Apart from that, yes if your sis is going through emotional set downs its better if she can take an appointment with him, but he doesnt do therapy’s personally (except in workshops) , he has therapist at his office in clifton for that.
Very informative 👍🏻
Definitely gonna buy it for NLP
Thanks for your feedback waqas 🙂